This will be my primary way of keeping in touch with you all while I'm in Morocco. Even though it's hours away, typing that is finally making it seem real. That, and the two bags of Swiss-army rolled clothes sitting in the front hall ;)
I'll try to post regularly (though at what intervals I'm not sure) and keep you updated.
Thanks to everyone who made it to a going-away thing, or anyone who's wished me well in the past few weeks! I appreciate your support more than I can say. I have to say, I had quite a few interesting going-away parties, and they were all pretty wonderful!
And just to remind you, if you want to come visit let me know! Once I get the word on how/if that will work out, I'll let you know. You might have a free bed in Morocco if you want to rough it a bit! I'm planning on doing some traveling once I figure out how it'll work with my job, so I'll keep you posted on that.
I'll be sending some mass emails, but most of my thoughts and (mis?)adventures will go up here.
Hilarity might ensue... we'll see!